Strong commitment to more sustainable meetings
Press release
Munich, 07.03.2023. Proske GmbH’s road to success continues: Co-CEO Larissa Steinbäcker has now been appointed as a committee member of the sustainability advisory board of the global industry association MPI. MPI, short for “Meeting Professionals International”, is the world’s leading industry association for education, networking and innovative solutions in the meetings and events industry. The global network is designed to bring together industry leaders, hidden champions and young professionals.
For some years now, there has been a clear trend towards sustainable hybrid and live conferences. Especially since companies have been prioritizing the topic of sustainability more strongly, and digitalization is advancing further around its many possibilities, Proske is feeling a strong tailwind for its services in the sustainable meetings and events business. “The meetings and events industry is currently undergoing a period of radical change – driven by our customers strongly prioritized topics: digitalization and sustainability. I am personally very excited that these topics are now being prioritized more and that we can now support clients with our expertise in an even more targeted way to achieve their sustainability KPI’s,” says Co-CEO Larissa Steinbäcker.
Industry expert Larissa Steinbäcker is excited about her new role on MPI’s Sustainability Advisory Board. Among other things, the committee has set itself the goal for 2023 of further advancing MPI’s diverse sustainability initiatives and providing the association with new opportunities and clear benchmarks for sustainable conferences and events.
Proske embraces sustainability and immersive event formats like Metaverse.
Proske is known as digital pioneer and trendsetter in the meetings and events industry. Its core business primarily includes the development and implementation of customized strategic meeting management programs (SMMPs), the creation of creative event concepts, as well as the areas digital and technology. In 2022, the company achieved one of its most successful business years ever in its now 37-year history. This is due to the flexibility to adapt to customer needs as quickly as possible as well as Proske’s 360-degree service portfolio, and the ongoing trend towards sustainable and climate neutral meetings. In addition, as a pioneer in virtual and hybrid meetings, Proske has already successfully integrated digital trends into their customers meeting concepts such as the metaverse.
To strengthen its business in the metaverse, Proske GmbH recently joined forces with the virtual and hybrid platform operator magnid for even closer cooperation. The aim of the merger is to make better use of synergies, to drive innovation forward and to jointly develop the gateway to the metaverse. Through the cloud and AI-based Virtual Venue solution delivered by magnid, Proske gains access to an uncomplicated, fully scalable 3-D world with a user-friendly self-service backend. With the platform magnid, Proske implements innovative, interactive as well as sustainable virtual and hybrid events for its customers among others e.g. from the pharmaceutical, healthcare and IT sectors.
Also represented at SECON and ProLight+Sound.
Green meetings, whether live, hybrid or purely virtual, were also the central theme of this year’s “Sustainable Events Conference (SECON)” on February 14 and 15 in Osnabrück. Proske was a sponsor of SECON 2023, where Larissa Steinbäcker (Co-CEO at Proske) and Nicole Deisenhofer (Director Innovation and Strategy at Proske and magnid) made two appearances: On the first day of the conference, Proske and magnid demonstrated the sustainable event platform innovation magnid as well as new B2B features for the metaverse to visitors. The following day, they gave a keynote speech and moderated a round-table discussion on the topic of “Towards net-zero emissions”. Proske will also be part at “ProLight+Sound”, which will take place from April 25 to 28 in Frankfurt. Larissa Steinbäcker will take part in a prominent panel at the leading international trade fair for the entertainment technology industry, on the topic of “climate neutrality” on April 27 at 3:00 pm CET. She will talk about her experiences and relevant use cases from the customer’s point of view.
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