At Proske we approach each project from a strategic point of view with a creative twist, delving deep into your business, to ensure every deliverable yields meaningful results. We produce expert SMMs, flawless events, and we’re brimming with creativity, but we never implement anything for the sake of it. We always put strategy first.

These strategic programs create structures, policies and processes for your meetings and events with the aim to: increase transparency, capture spend, ensure duty of care, deliver clear reporting, manage suppliers, standardize procedures, and conform with company/industry compliance.

Our tailor-made creative concepts make sure that your message gets communicated in an engaging way. Always knowing the latest market trends and needs, we elevate your brand with our strategic thinking and creative mindset.

We know that healthcare events are restricted by compliance, making meetings completely tedious and uninspiring – but we found the cure. We feed creative concepts into your meetings to complement your wider strategy. All creative touches serve to raise your levels of engagement, impact, and influence. Of course, always in a compliant way!